北海道立三岸好太郎美術館 貝殻旅行 三岸好太郎・節子展限定キャンドル
6/18〜9/1まで、期間限定で、「好太郎と節子の灯り」を販売することとなりました。このコレクションは、2021年6/26~9/1の期間、北海道立三岸好太郎美術館で開催される「貝殻旅行 三岸好太郎・節子展」の特設ショップ販売グッズとして、主催者が企画したものです。長期に渡るコロナウィルスの感染拡大状況下での開催となる中、皆様に三岸展のエッセンスを少しでも感じ取っていただければとの思いで、オンライン販売をさせていただくことになりました。皆様、この機会に是非ご覧くださいませ。
Lights to celebrate the great Museum exhibition:
Le voyage des conquillages – Kotaro et Setsuko Migishi
Designed and created candles exclusively for the exhibition. The candles will be sold at MIMA / Migishi Kotaro Museum of Art, as well as Jun’s Light Online Shop from June 18 through September 1, 2021. Learn More for further images.
Candles for Migishi Exhibition:
“Shellfish and Butterfly”
Featuring Kotaro and his wife Setsuko’s very last trip (they called it as “Shellfish Trip”).Imagining sceneries from their trip, mixtures of emotions which I somehow perceive to be heartaches rather, while learning Kotaro passing away shortly after their trip and struggles which Setsuko eventually had to go through in her lifetime. Creating subtly gentle colors and scratching technique to draw the lines of shellfish and butterflies, my intention was to capture their relationships with colors and textures that are deeply connected to human emotions.
“Still Life, with you”
Inspired from the works of “Still Life” by Setsuko Migishi.
Observing her color schemes and painting strokes, I was particularly touched by her nature as a female artist; sensitivity, gentleness, passion, and extraordinary strength.
Le voyage des conquillages – Kotaro et Setsuko Migishi
2021 6/26(土)〜9/1(水)
MIMA / Migishi Kotaro Museum of Art, Hokkaido