Jun's Light

Jun’s Light | the beauty of transience

ブログ Blog

2021.7.20小樽の夕涼み Evening cool in Otaru


It’s been such hot summer days in Otaru this year. As I live in the foot of Mount Tengu, the color of foliage seems to be much densely green than ever.
Today was really hot again in Otaru and I didn’t go outside but stayed home to do some creations. So I decided to light my candles with a big 40cm-diameter handblown floating glass, made in Otaru. The color of recycled glass which often is seen as turquoise blue, has been my all time favorite color for relaxation, especially during the summer season. Maybe because we get so active in summer, I unconsciously might have sought that color to chill out myself.
Then finally…the Tokyo Olympic games are coming this week. It is just more than overwhelming to realize that it is actually happening under the circumstances. Looking back these several months, I think the situation and everyday news have put me verify what my perceptions and value system really are for so many things. I also realize that as a Japanese, sometimes it is very hard for us to speak up individual perspectives in an articulate manner, and we are afraid of being “a nail that stands” because it might be hammered down by our collective social values. I believe each of us, have learned so much already, just by being living under pandemic, what really stays “still like a rock” within our true self… I hope you understand what I am trying to reach…

2021.7.3個展終了 Closing my exhibition tonight




ギャラリーの空間演出を有機物と音楽で包んでくれた二人のアーティスト、En priereの佐藤かずきさん、Frank Weber氏。彼らとのクリエイティヴパートナーシップ、私の宝物です。これからもじっくりと育てていきたいです。





Jun’s Light
米澤 純

Closing my solo exhibition “Solitude” tonight.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the visitors and also being supportive remotely.
I hope my show may bring you a moment to light up your heart in solitude.

Special thanks to:
My collaborative creative partners, Kazuki Sato for flower arrangement, Frank Weber for his music exclusively created for the show.

Kiri Miyahira, for designing and creating beautiful costume embroidery work for me to wear and being incredibly supportive assistant during the show.

Hiroyuki Kurahashi of 9B Design, for creating promotional posters and invitation cards.

All the staff of Odori Bisse management office for supporting me to make this exhibition take place.

My family and friends for giving me infinite love and support. Love you guys as always.





個展 Solitude
会期: 2021.6.30 – 7.3
会場: BISSE GALLERY (札幌大通りビッセ3F)


2021.6.29いよいよ明日はオープニング。Finally the opening day tomorrow…





個展「Solitude」開催に向けて、ギャラリーを有機物と音楽で包んでくれる二人のアーティスト、En priereの佐藤かずきさん、Frank Weber氏の空間演出も、是非お楽しみください。

Finally…tomorrow is the opening day of my solo exhibition “Solitude” in Sapporo, after almost 1.5 years since I had the last one. I am a bit nervous but at the same time, I am feeling that something deep inside of me is gently being fulfilled.

I think that many of us in this world, might have been experiencing a life of somewhat being “stuck” under the given circumstances. Then we try to put ourselves in a place where we can balance between the realities and how we feel and think about things as naturally as possible…leading to have lots of internal conversations within ourselves…in solitude.

I hope my works may light up your heart.

My sincere appreciation to my collaborative partners, for their creative contribution to this exhibition;
Kazuki Sato for her beautiful arrangement with organic materials;
Frank Weber for his music exclusively and improvisationally created for the theme “Solitude”.

I will see you there!

個展 Solitude
会期: 2021.6.30 – 7.3
会場: BISSE GALLERY (札幌大通りビッセ3F)







米澤 純

Welcome and thank you for visiting me at Jun’s Light.

Here I am, finally…
Today is the opening day for renewing my website as Jun’s Light. It’s been a big ongoing exciting project for me since the last year…there in 2020, I was not able to hold any of my solo exhibitions to display my works in person under the pandemic circumstances. But the situation actually had guided me be able to have a lot of thinking processes of what I would do for the next years to come as an artist.

I looked back my way of living in so many ways.
I am truly grateful for what I have received such wonderful opportunities to cultivate my world of artistry over the years. I deeply feel humbled to be able to express human nature in a form of art.

Living with this totally unexpected situation that is shared universally, I also realized that I had not been spending enough time for my internal self. It had almost always been the case where I would just follow this “routine” in which I would schedule my next exhibitions and create works by then. Always, I used to put myself “due” on something. With being occupied with updating my postings and keeping in touch with communications with others….constantly. Now I think of, that particular speed of multitasking things had eventually brought me a great sense of exhaustion.
So, I decided to be living under water for a long time. It was totally fulfilling experience to give myself plenty of silent time and space…being in Solitude.

Gradually, I started to reorganize my routine works and renewing my website was one of them.
I met this incredibly talented designer, Mr. Kurahashi and a web programmer Mr.Sasaki. Their friendly manner and professional advices have led me “feel” the nature of myself as an artist again and “learn” about what I have done and how I would like to go from there…and more than anything, I was so happy to be creative with them as a team. Although there are pages that are still under constructions, I would like to show my process of cultivating my world in online settings in more naturally gentle pace…just like growing melting wax pool in a candle light.

These are some of the contexts on this website that are going to be available soon:

Arts Meet Music
Milky Way Project (Theater project)
Virtual Gallery
Archives of collaborative works for Museum Art Exhibitions

Hope you enjoy visiting my new website from time to time, and I would be delighted to hear from you!

Best Wishes,

Jun Yonezawa